Testnet to Mainnet Transition Plan for Gateway Operators

Dear networked node runners: you’re coming with us!
As AR.IO plans its move from testnet to mainnet, we aim to ensure a smooth and fair transition for our dedicated node operators. Any active node that appears in the Testnet GAR Snapshot (taken on January 30, 2025) and maintains an activity streak greater than [-5] at mainnet launch will be automatically migrated to mainnet and retain the existing OPERATOR stake from the snapshot.
Any node present in the above Testnet GAR Snapshot and still active at launch will be migrated.
Nodes must maintain a streak greater than [-5] to qualify.
Eligible operators will have their OPERATOR stake carried over from testnet to mainnet, 1:1.
A Huge Thank You to Our Testnet Participants!
None of this would be possible without the incredible commitment of our testnet node operators. Over the years, your dedication, feedback, and persistence have helped shape AR.IO into what it is today. Your participation has been invaluable in testing, refining, and strengthening the network, and we couldn't have done it without you.
Now, as we move to mainnet, we are excited to have you with us for this next chapter. Thank you for being part of the journey—here’s to the future of the permanent cloud!
Wen Mainnet?
After testnet. 😎
What if I already registered on
Airdrop registration is a separate program and does not impact AR.IO node migration to mainnet.
Staked Airdrop Registrants will be randomly assigned to one of the migrating mainnet gateways at launch. After launch, any delegate may move their stake from one gateway to another without penalty via the network’s redelegation feature.
What about delegated stakers?
Existing delegated stakers will NOT be carried over to mainnet. EXP was awarded to all delegated stakers - make sure you register for $ARIO at!
What Happens at Mainnet?
Automated Mainnet Migration:
Just as AO smart contracts migrated to mainnet, eligible nodes will be automatically entered into the mainnet Gateway Address Registry (GAR).
The wallets used in testnet will be the same ones registered in mainnet.
Mainnet Node Software Update:
At launch, a new mainnet node software version will be released.
All operators must update their node software to ensure compatibility and continued operation.
There will be a delay between mainnet launch and the first observation epoch to allow teams adequate time for upgrades.
Further details and technical documentation will follow as we get closer to launch.
Metrics and Performance Reset:
Node performance weights, streaks, and historical metrics from testnet will be reset for mainnet.
Operators will start fresh while maintaining their carried-over stakes.